"Here Goes Nothing!" The Sixth Chakra and 18 Hours of Static

We can see more deeply when we close our eye and sense our world through the sixth chakra. Located within our brain through the center of our forehead is a gateway to consciousness. The pineal gland, the medically mysterious part of the endocrine system is associated with this purple chakra. The lessons around traveling inward to understand our connection to love and peace is the message of this episode.

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Tin Man, The Grinch, and Hearts Breaking Wide Open: The Fourth Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the center force of living and growing. What if the headquarters of our being is not in our “head” but in the area of the heart. This episode addresses the good energy of our hearts and why it’s necessary to let ourselves break wide open to grow our souls. Recorded in one take, Hilary weaves through our culture of heart stories. Connecting to the heart’s wisdom itself, this episode gets raw and real exploring the roots of courage and change.

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Elvis, Pelvis, and Our Bowl of Life: Dancing with the Second Chakra

Exploring the farthest distance from the rational, analytical, and academic mind and the wisdom of the body…this second chakra in the pelvic bowl holds the great connecting spark for us all.

Moving from a sense of belonging into the deep connection to your tribe…through the second Chakra we understand how to dance with our life. This is a podcast episode that helps us move beyond words by imagining that life is like music and our choice is not IF we dance, but HOW we dance.

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The Good Medicine of Confidentiality

Confidentiality is about privacy and protection and accountability. When it’s all added up, this serve as a powerful factor to unburdening the root of illness in the space between two humans: the one in pain and the one who can be a helper. This is the good energy of the healing force of the act of sharing itself.

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