Energy as Medicine for Your Health

How it works...

Energy work reduces stress and promotes relaxation and healing. It is holistic health for the body, emotions, mind, and spirit.

Energy work complements other medical and therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

My work is facilitated by each person's abundant body wisdom.  I often work with clients to complement conventional medical or therapeutic approaches. It may seem extraordinary that energy healing provides the missing key to stress, illness and recovery. However, I've experienced the physical body’s energy field as a natural healing factor for daily living. The field around your body has electricity, magnetism, and a voice. My intention in all of my work is that you too may find the healing and relief you seek through a deepening awareness of the intelligence available at the intersection of modern medicine and ancient healing traditions. I don’t have special skills that you lack. I’m simply dedicated to connecting life force and body wisdom. It’s a subtle force but discernible to anyone. My clients tell me that feeling connected to life force gives them hope, wellbeing, pain relief, clarity and joy.


I coined this term to describe the healing art combining hands-on healing, life-force connection and intuition.  The focus of this work allows body wisdom to guide every healing session. With my hands-on work, I listen, I translate, I meditate, and I follow what the body needs to clear any blocks and imbalances. 

Natural Health Intuition is a steady and safe way to integrate energy medicine as an ancient powerful healing while respecting the practical every day miracles of traditional health care today. 

What is Reiki? Learn More.


Many clients want to become certified in Reiki for self-care, caregiving and volunteering in medical facilities. Reiki is a healing tradition that involves instruction and a meditative initiation called an attunement. The definition of attunement is "to bring into accord or harmony." Reiki instruction brings the student's body into accord with the larger universal energy body known as life force, prana, chi and ki.

A hundred years ago, Reiki was developed as a healing practice that integrates multiple sacred cultural phenomenons carried through traditions of North America, India, China, Tibet and Japan. The founder of Reiki immersed himself in native healing cultures of Eastern and Western practices including Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Native American traditions.

For many decades Reiki was an exclusive tradition and initiations were set at a prohibitive rate to keep it sacred and rare. In the 1980's some of the Reiki leaders expanded their teachings to quicker methods and larger student communities. 

Now there are countless Reiki Masters throughout the world. Reiki is an accessible and widely accepted energy medicine practice in prestigious hospitals everywhere.

Reiki Certification Classes

I love teaching Reiki. It's a beautifully structured class format with room to share, heal, explore, and practice. I follow the guidelines recommended through the International Center for Reiki Training. Classes are taught in the Reiki traditional of Dr. Mikao Usui three step process:

Level One focuses on self-care, awareness of the energy field, and becoming a practitioner.

Level Two focuses on the sacred healing symbols that activate specific types of healing: emotional body, mental body, spirit body. This level teaches distant healing techniques which my sound far-reaching but are as simple as prayer, visualization and positive intentions.

Level Three is the teaching of one more sacred symbol and specific methods for the teaching tradition. This is the level where the Reiki practitioner learns how to give attunements and teach the other levels.


Reiki Level One completes the process to become a practitioner. Reiki Level Two explores the meditative powers of Reiki symbols and distant healing. Reiki Level Three introduces another symbol, deepens the work of Level One and Two and also provided the ability to teach Reiki to your own students.

Reiki classes are available year-round and by request. Class size limited to 1-6 participants. Check out my workshop schedule and also feel free to email a request to start a class. Please send your note of interest to

Natural Health Intuition is a steady and safe way to integrate energy medicine as an ancient powerful healing method while respecting the practical every day miracles of traditional health care today.