Take it Personal: Moderation, Generosity, and The Power of Help

The idea of a self-help book can be confusing and even counter-productive. After all, we can wonder, am I looking to seek others to direct me on my life’s path? Or do I need to only focus on myself to find wellness? The truth is, you need to start with YOU. You are the author of your own life. With every breath and every step, you are the one who is the most important part of your life. Permit yourself to take excellent care of your life. In this episode, two (2) key factors are revealed: Moderation and Personalization. Your whole body asks you to consider a life guided by the notion of not too much and not too little. We discover that one of the best lessons of healing thyself is a line from Goldilocks and The Three Bears….seek to find the ”just right” fit in your days and your self-care experience will thrive.

Hilary Crowley